Industrial geography, labour processes and industrial relations
Economic and industrial geography of the last thirty years has had little interest in the organisation of work (‘the labour process’) and management-employee relations within workplaces. Much of my work has focused on this workplace level, while relating it to economic and social processes at larger spatial scales. My major work in this field is the monograph Work, Locality and the Rhythms of Capital, whose empirical basis was a large scale survey of manufacturing in London.This develops a number of highly original theoretical threads and examines their empirical manifestation in the case study:-
- a systematic comparison of the dynamics, including spatial dynamics, of different labour processes and their associated industrial relations;
- the mutual determination of labour process change and product innovation in workplaces and across localities;
- the relations between work processes and local labour and land markets;
- the relations between workplace change and spaces of competition up to the global;
- change in labour processes, and spatial change of the workplace, over the business cycle.
These threads have not previously been developed in the labour process, industrial relations or economic and industrial geography literatures.